Stand In Your Power ✨
Stand Your Ground! ✨
Added:Black Salt
Heaven and Earth
The weapons formed against you will NOT prosper! 💯
The Devil show up in the people closest to you to test you 😅
This is why it is important that you are always prepared to Defend and Protect yourself! It doesn’t mean you need to use force or react in a negative way! That’s giving the enemy what they want. Your power is in the way you REACT & RESPOND. Never give away your power because your the only one who can do that.
The enemy could be anything that is preventing you from Evolving into your higher-self! Eliminate the people, places or things and you will receive Clarity
Standing your Ground simply means standing up for what YOU believe in and not allowing someone else’s opinions, religion or society dictate that!
In order to do this you must Know yourself inside out. So that when someone tries to tell you who you are you not confused from them projecting who they want you to be! If you know you then their projecting will not affect you.
You need to make sure you have boundaries set!The boundaries that you have set should not ever budge for anyone! You teach people how to treat you by having boundaries. 💯
Don’t change who you are to make someone else happy! Most importantly don’t lose your good heart because of the people who have hurt you. Be you unapologetically. And continue to be that loving giver but with discernment. Only pour into people who will pour into you and you won’t have to worry about your cup being half empty or half full. 💯
Last but not least always listen and follow your gut. Not listening proves you do not trust yourself. Trust you with the Decisions you make for yourself. And have Faith that everything will work out for you how it is suppose to.